Student experience determines our character?

For many of us, the institute time is the time that determines the future fate. But what exactly is happening to us at this time? Through what transformations our personality passes and what it leads to in adulthood?

What is your life the most bright? I conducted a survey among Russian top managers on this subject, and the significant majority replied that the most memorable years are students. Studying at the institute – despite the fact that the institute separates a very short time from the school – is very different from the school. This is the time of active development in three key vectors:

1. Social. The student learns to communicate not only with “self -like”, as in school, but with a wide, diverse world: people of different cultures, ages, titles. He creates his unique image in the eyes of others and gains authority.

2. Professional. The student does not yet understand what is the essence of his future profession, even if he consciously chooses it. The institute allows you to touch much closer to the profession, to evaluate: “Mine is not mine”.

3. Personal. The student is faced with life tests, goes to another level of responsibility. He begins to recognize himself deeper, understand his unique features, to realize his own exclusivity and value – already as

an independent, independent person, and not just a diligent student or beloved son. But not every student. Some prefer anything, but not development and growth. And there are still “eternal students”, to whom neurotic fear of the future does not allow to successfully complete the training.

We always have a dilemma: to change or remain the same, to endure or experiment. Strong and ambitious personalities choose changes. Even if you require efforts and will. Neurotics prefer invariability, sometimes concealed with painful experiences.

Working with successful top managers, I recorded their memories of significant transformations that took place with them during the students.

From “Be like everyone else” to your own “I”

The new communication environment requires adaptation. If at school you should be like everyone else, a diligent student, then in a higher educational institution everything is different.

The presence of your own position, the willingness to declare yourself, the courage of judgments is encouraged and cultivated. Compared to school, communication in the student environment is much more complicated and wider.

Extroverts, that is, people who are prone to intensive communication in nature, such adaptation is usually given easily. And from introverts (closed people prone to loneliness and chamber, familiar circle of communication), the change and expansion of the social environment requires effort.

“How I became a successful negotiator? At University. Overcoming the complexes, fighting for the right to be equal and even the best. “

“Since childhood, I have been a quiet, modest, diligent boy,” the General Director of the Big Russian Tramber shares his memories. – graduated from school with a gold medal and came to study in Moscow from a small Siberian city. Other students looked confident, fashionable, “metropolitan”.

The first weeks I felt terribly – poorly dressed provincial, whom they look down at. But I was proud and began to fight for a worthy place at the faculty. I decided to overcome my fear of new people. In addition to studying, I daily and stubbornly solved the most difficult communicative problems – I was looking for a common language with those who seemed interesting to me. I gained authority. And with each new acquaintance he talked in his own way. I was looking for general topics with one, I listened rather, I argued hotly with the third.

I felt the mood. Did not climb when it was inappropriate. And approached when the moment was the best. He even taught Spanish in the evenings to please a talented classmate-Clombian.

Due to my activity, I become noticeable. He performed at student conferences, defended his opinion at seminars. I annoyed some. One girl called me a “dash annoying donkey”, I still remember. But over time, I ennobled my provincial appearance, defeated the emphasis, gained useful acquaintances.

The same Colombian is now my business partner in Latin America. You ask how I became a successful negotiator? At University. Overcoming the complexes, fighting for the right to be equal and even the best. “.

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